Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May 2018

Hello? Is anybody there?

We are still here! Living in Bulgaria, enjoying life, enjoying the seasons and working away at our home and garden. Lucy and Bilko are alive and well and we even have some new chickens added to the family. I've decided to return to blogging, kind of! There were several reasons that I stopped, one of them being laziness and boredom - it can become tiring writing about your life, every day, for over 3 years! My main reason for returning though, is we have missed looking back at our fun times, vegetables and house progress. This time around I'll be mostly just posting photos for our own record, maybe a few stories if I have the time. 

I'm actually going to try and pick up where I left off, so here are some snaps from May 2018 (if anyone remembers that long ago!)

May 2018

Shed news! The shed is amazingly useful and we can't imagine why it wasn't the first thing we built when we arrived! It is now looking very well 'used', but here are some pics of it when it was brand new. So organized. 

Veg seedlings sold at the market (we can finally decipher the words!):

Me and the girls:

Bits and bobs in the garden:

Movable netting cover for brassicas -
 attempting to stop those pesky 'cabbage whites'

One of the first harvests of the year
Roasted radishes - delicious

We removed the 'mezzanine' (hay loft) in the barn, which opened it up loads. We have grand plans for this amazing building (note: still nothing done by May 2019!)

Empty barn

Lots of wood from the barn too

A little work in the kitchen. We got an 'island' from Ikea:

New counter top

Shiny, new island
One project was to make a mosaic table for the garden:

Tiles in the centre

Mosaic edges

 Veg garden, mid-late May:

At the end of May my parents visited for a week. We spent some time at home and then went up into the Stara Planina to a Spa Hotel for my birthday. We had a great time!

Swim at the quarry

Dad fixed the stone wall that had fallen down in an earthquake!

Collecting elderflowers for syrup

(Sadly not ours)

Birthday trip to the mountains:

First stop, Hissarya, for breakfast and a look around:

We went to a small Spa Hotel, in a little village, with a heated pool in the garden. It was quite cold and rainy (typical mountains) but we had a warm swim and go in the sauna! The wine helped too!

Next day, a stop for lunch in Troyan:

A very big monument on the top of the mountains:

And a stop for a walk and a swim around Karlovo:

Back home:

More to come - I promise! xx

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