Thursday, June 6, 2019

April 2019

Hello again! Here's some pics from April:

Rainy walk in the early rape fields

The new arrivals settling in!
We started with 8 hens - 6 two month olds and 2
ready to lay-ers. Sadly now have only 6.
(The high up coop evidently didn't keep out
ALL the baddies!) 

We used fleece this year on the early veg and it worked
a treat - although it doesn't look too pretty

Free wood chips on the path ways

Arches for climbing veggies

Lots of dandelions for the bees!

Now the water pipe was buried we could continue
work on the patio in front of the barn.

The main reason for building this was to get 
rid of stone and rubble from around the garden!

Building the wall /
Starting to fill with stone

Using pretty old bricks 
for decorative edging 

Stones, stones everywhere

And it's full!

Another rape walk in the sunshine

Starting a few other jobs around …
stone step onto the patio
digging out the fallen retaining wall

My mum and dad came to stay!

Obviously we roped them into helping!
Almost 6 hours of solid work later we have a patio!

To celebrate, we went to Veliko Tarnovo for a day/night

Panoramic lift in the hotel!

Arbanasi the next morning

Back home, chilling on the new patio!

We went for a 10 mile walk around the local villages

Thanks!! Bye bye! :-)


  1. What a fantastic blog, i have just spent a couple of hours reading page after page! I currently have a motorcycle stored in Idilevo after riding it across central Asia. I was amazed how many expats were living in the village, but they were all older mostly retired. Being a similar age as you two, its very interesting how you are choosing to live your lives. Here in Australia (i assume its the same the UK) taking out a massive loan and working(giving up) half a lifetime to payoff it off is seen as the only option to put a roof over your head . Keep up the good work.

  2. Dear Minty,

    Would I be right in thinking that you have decided to continue with your blog? If so, a BIG HOORAY! As for us, my blog has now collected more than 38,000 "hits" and I am still teaching at St. George's School in Sofia.

  3. Dear Minty,

    So glad that you are blogging again! Now hurry up and write another post!


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