Friday, April 28, 2017

105 & 106.

Walking in the village

Sunset under the clouds
Hello! I know I am late again with posting, so sorry about that! It was actually done intentionally this time as last week we had some pretty shoddy weather and were forced to spend a lot of time inside hiding from the rain and SUB-ZERO temperatures. Eurgh! Thankfully it has cheered up now. I've also been doing some work on the computer, which has taken up a few of my days and doesn't really make for good blogging. Because of that I think I'll just do an overview and show some pics of what few jobs we have got done. :-)
Chopping wood
Weather wise last week didn't begin too badly so we spent a couple of days chopping wood for the bonfire wood pile. We had several piles of wood dotted around the place and they were looking unsightly, so we wanted to get this done to tidy the place up a bit. We now have half the wood store full again - so we are ready for summer BBQs and campfires - yay! To celebrate we actually had a BBQ one evening, but it got cloudy and cold so we didn't stay out long in the end.

Stacking wood

Chopping more wood in the WO

A healthy amount of wood for summer fires

BBQ on a chilly evening
Mowing the lawn in the walnut orchard
Self explanatory really. The first mow of the year, and it looks great! We have spent so long picking up stones and clearing this field of anything that might damage the mower (again) so we were very happy to find we'd done a successful job and we can now mow whenever we need to without worrying. There were a few spots that were too lumpy to reach with the mower, mainly under the trees, but they can be strimmed.  This job was done over a couple of days as walking up and down the hill with the mower is bloody tiring!

All mowed and green
Camping signs
We replaced some of the camping signs through the village as they'd fallen over in the snow. We did this just as a storm was brewing so, as you can see, it was rather cold and miserable!
Digging holes for the sign posts (we didn't do this by hand!)


New welcome sign
Last weekend we drove out to see some friends for a coffee and pick up an old woodburner that was otherwise going to be thrown away. This is the type of woodburner that has an oven and cooking surface on top so we are pretty pleased as we can use it in our summer kitchen - eventually. It weighs a ton and is actually still in the van now as we haven't found anyone to help us get it out! Whilst in their village we went to visit the 'famous' old tree. I'm not sure exactly how old it is but it is absolutely huge and very beautiful. 
Big old petchka

Awful posing by a very, very old tree!

Beautiful tree

Down by the river
One day last week we actually had snow forecast. SNOW! Thank god we didn't actually get any snow (although some areas in Bulgaria did), but we did have a heavy frost. The frost killed all of our plums that were beginning to form and it has also killed all the walnut catkins, so no walnuts for us this year. :-( Also, it damaged all the new leaves on the walnut trees so they are all black and crispy and look awful. They should grow new leaves, but it is an absolute bummer about the nuts and fruit as we were excited for a good harvest after properly pruning out trees. Luckily all our outside veg survived, they're just getting off to a slow start this year.
Look at our sad trees :-(
Almost all of last week we had the woodburner going in the evenings, and sometimes even in the days. Thankfully we still had some wood left - most people, understandably, didn't stock up enough wood to last until April! On one of the rainy days we made fresh pasta and made the most amazing lasagne ever, using pork ragu instead of mince. Words can't describe how good it was!
Back to cosying up in the yellow room

The animals keeping warm too

Making pasta
Since the few nights of below zero temperatures the weather has improved dramatically and it has been as hot as 28 degrees the last couple of days. Crazy.
Gate posts
We have concreted in two sturdy posts at the campsite entrance and we have all the wood ready to build a gate. We have been too busy since putting the posts in to finish it, but hopefully we'll get it done this week.
Painting posts with bitumen, for protection


Concreted in

Waiting for the gate
Painting the house
On a couple of the days I had to work on the computer Pete did a great job of getting the third, and final, coat of lime wash on the house. We will add to the wash every year but three coats is a good base for now. We then painted the bottom strip of the house in a peachy colour because the white will just get too dirty near the ground. We are really happy with it and have already forgotten the dull and patchy off-brown colour that it was before.
Last coat of lime wash

A few finishing touches
I don't have any photos of the veggies but we have been weeding and watering daily (when it's not raining) and everything is coming along nicely. We have collected a huge load of compost from the worm farm next door and have been adding that to the beds and mulching with it. Today, at the market, we bought several tomato, cucumber, pepper and aubergine plants and they will be planted tomorrow now that the weather is good.
Plants ready to go in..
Some more photos
And that is all really... not too thrilling I'm afraid!! Haha! Here's some pictures of some walks we've been on and a trip to the forest with our neighbour. Also a lovely BBQ that we had to make the most of this now glorious weather.

Two bird couples enjoying the sunset :-)

Bilko, on her 2nd birthday

Lovely wild orchid

Pretty wild flowers (don't know what they are)

View over the village
Lucy loo

BBQ in the suuuunnn

We hung our fairy lights in our new seating area
We drove out to a nearby forest with our neighbour, which was stunning. We didn't realise there was such old forest so close to our village.

Forest n the hills

Fairy woods
Byeeee!! xx

Monday, April 17, 2017


The (half painted) village church
Hello and Happy Easter!
Tuesday 11th
The first job on the agenda today was to finish the other raised bed under the vine trellis. We had to work together to do this - we carried down several of the old concrete posts from the campsite and cut them to size using the angle grinder. We needed to make this bed quite tall, because of the different ground levels, so it took us all morning to get that finished.
Concrete post bed
In the afternoon we had a bacon order to deliver in the next village, so we drove over there and ended up staying for an hour or so with the lady who'd ordered it. We'd previously loaded up the van with a heap of junk for the dump, so once we'd left our friends house we headed up there to get rid of it all. Whilst there we noticed someone had dumped a load of big flat stones so we ended up loading the van back up again! 'More stone!??' I hear you cry! I know - we spend half our lives trying to use up all the stone we have in our garden - but these stones are big and flat and perfect for when we want to make our patio, so we had to take them.
By the time we were home the day had got away with us and it was nearly 5 o'clock. We really wanted to start painting the house tomorrow so, with a good couple of hours of sunlight left, we both set to work on patching up any holes in the render on the front of the house. We are leaving three sides of the house as exposed stone so it was only the front that needed patching up. Most of the holes were small but there was a large area underneath our bedroom window that needed doing. Pete also had to get up the ladder to reach several gaps around the soffits. Even so, it was a quick job and we managed to finish on time to have a beer as the sun was setting. :-)
Wednesday 12th
We had an early start this morning as we wanted to get another coat of render on the large patch under the window before we started painting. Once we'd done that we nipped over to the next village as we'd spotted some more flat stone (that would be good for our patio) outside someone's house. Unfortunately we didn't get the stone but we stopped for a coffee and banitsa at the shop anyway. Once we were home the painting commenced! We have decided to use the traditional method of lime wash, not for any particular reason other than we wanted to do white anyway and also it is ridiculously cheap (about £10 for the whole house, with 3 coats.) We are aware that it needs almost yearly upkeep, but we will see how it goes and perhaps we will re-do it with exterior paint one day.
Anyway... we had our extra large paint brushes, music blaring and a gorgeous sunny day, so all was good. Pete was up the ladder again doing the top half of the house whilst I was on the ground and with the step ladder doing the bottom and the balcony. We ended up working until about 7 or 8 o'clock, but we got one full coat finished - yay! It looked a bit patchy, but even this 1st coat has made a huge improvement to the whole feel of our place. (It's also really pointed out how crappy the windows and doors are, but that is another job for another day!)
I forgot to take a before, but here is a photo from a few months ago

Et voila! :-D :-D (The sun helps too!)

Looking good...

Welcome to our villa!

Just a bit of clearing up to do..
Tasty dinner - roast brined chicken with roast veg and lentils
Thursday 13th
We were invited to a BBQ today at an English friends house - and the weather was perfect for it. We spent the morning cleaning up some of the paint splats, faffing about and getting ready to out around 12. It was in a lovely village, about 40 minutes from us, but in an area we hadn't really visited before. There were a few Bulgarians there as well as a few other expats, most of who we hadn't actually met before. It was a really great afternoon - with tasty food and incredible sunshine - and it was lovely to meet some new people too.
At around half 5 black clouds started to roll over and the rumble of thunder was getting louder so we decided to get home before the down pour begun. Luckily the rain quickly passed and we were welcomed home by a huge rainbow (no photos I'm afraid.)
Friday 14th
Market day. Chirpan was heaving (well, as heaving as Chirpan can get...) as it was Good Friday and the start of a four day weekend. Easter in Bulgaria is called 'Velik Den' or 'Great Day'. They have many traditions to celebrate Easter and it is a real family time, I would say it is even bigger than Christmas. It was a sunny morning so we took our time and enjoyed being out and about amongst people. We got home around 1 and spent an hour or so unpacking and having some lunch.
In the afternoon Pete planted the two new rosemary plants we'd bought at the market whilst I finished off the stone side of the raised bed we're building. Together we then shovelled the earth into the, now finished, bed and finally cleared the area that will eventually be our patio and seating area. At the moment it just looks like a mud patch, but we are still pleased with it! By the time we'd finished that it had started to cloud over and was threatening to rain, so we packed up and called it a day.
Rosemary planted

Finished flower bed. The outdoor shower will be over the flat stone in the middle

Patio area all dug out
Saturday 15th
Storms had been forecast all weekend so we had prepared ourselves to be rained in. However, when we woke up this morning the sky was blue and the sun was shining. Another check of the forecast and it now said it was going to be 24 degrees today! This was great news and we decided we would get another coat of lime wash on the house. For the second coat we watered down the lime even more than we had for the first. This meant it wouldn't dry so quickly (or crack) and it could get into all the gaps of the pebble-dash style render more easily. It also meant that it was much quicker to apply and we actually finished painting by about 2.30.
White house
The sun was still shining by then so once we'd cleaned up we took the opportunity to do a bit more planting in the veg garden before the storms did arrive. We planted peas, beans and sweetcorn and also planted out some seedlings of various salads that had been growing inside. I then bucketed a load of compost into the new raised bed and planted nasturtiums and sweet peas - so hopefully the shower area will look prettier in the summer. We also weeded the veg beds some more (already a daily chore) and admired the few veggies that are already growing and doing well!
Another view of the flower bed

Spinach (doing amazingly well), kale and chard

Carrots and radishes

Rocket on it's way
Once all that was done there was just time to go down the road for an hour to do a bit of gardening there before Pete came home to make dinner and I took Lucy out for an evening stroll.
Everything is looking green and lovely

Coming home to our white house
Sunday 16th
We are not religious (and they don't have chocolate eggs here) so we didn't celebrate Easter this year, but we did decide to have a relaxed Sunday anyway. The morning was a bit wet and grey so after a long brekkie Pete watched a film (that I didn't want to see) and I planted a load of vegetable seeds in pots - including several varieties of courgette and globe artichokes, amongst other things.
Inside seeds
Sadly some of our tomato and pepper seeds have not germinated, which is quite disappointing, but on the plus side the few that have worked are of a black and yellow variety. This is good news as we can buy the standard red and pink tomatoes here, as a small plant, for almost no money. We also plan to buy peppers, chillies, aubergines and cucumbers as small plants as there is just no point in slaving away over seeds when you can buy them like this. The vegetables that we are growing from seed are either really easy to grow (e.g. radish, beetroot, spinach, carrot) or varieties that they don't sell here in Bulgaria (e.g. chard, kale, broccoli, pak choi.) Of course we are only on our second year of growing so it is all an experiment and we will probably change our plans again next year! :-)
In the afternoon the weather had cleared and the sun was attempting to shine through, so we went out for a walk. We didn't go far - just through and around the village - but we took it easy and were out for nearly a couple of hours. Aside from a couple of bored looking teenagers we didn't see many people out in the streets, but there were a lot of cars parked out of many of the houses - families from towns and cities visiting their grandparents for Easter.
Easter day stroll

They might be a weed but I like the dandelions everywhere

Gorgeous lilac - we want one!!
When we got home I made a big selection of vegetable curries for dinner (this is becoming a Sunday tradition!) and then we chilled out in the yellow room and watched a film.  
Monday 17th
Today the forecast rain did arrive. There were no impressive storms, just big grey clouds and a lot of rain. Any work was off the agenda and we couldn't even go shopping for a few bits we needed as everything would be closed for Easter Monday. So, there was nothing for it but to have another day in! We did a bit of yoga, computer stuff, listened to podcasts and made a batch of 60 tortillas for the freezer. We ate left over curry for lunch. In the afternoon I started writing the blog and then Pete started to make dinner whilst I took Lucy out for a walk. I rather like walking under drizzle and moody skies, but the dog was not keen and kept urging me to walk faster home!
Rainy day (good for the veg though)

Tortillas for the freezer

Wet walkies

For dinner we had nachos with chilli, cheese and salsa - it was sooo good. I'm just finishing the blog now and then we might have time for another film tonight. Next week is looking a bit grim weather wise, but hopefully we'll get the final coat on the house and perhaps even start on the windows. :-)  
Nachos for dinner
A short and sweet post this week. Thanks everyone! xx